Contact Jamestown Electro Plating to share what you think about our website, our products, our organization, or anything else that comes to mind. We welcome all of your comments and suggestions.
Jamestown Electroplating
P.O. Box 1137
105 Water Street
Jamestown, NY 14702
Driving Directions
Phone: 716-664-5406
Fax: 716-664-4309
- Chase Churchill– President
- Megan Churchill– Human Resources, Accounting Manager, Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable
- Michael Gray– Chief Chemist
- Tom Fardink– Operations Manager
- Emmett O’Brian– Maintenance Manager
- Teri Graham – Aerospace Manager
- Mark Josephson– Quoting Manager
- Jennifer O’Dell– Office Manager/Data Control Clerk
- Michael Lasecki – Environmental Chemist